The process integrates CAD geometry to create a 3D part or mold. Often times during the proof of concept and/or conceptual design stage, it’s important to have tangible products in hand. We understand the importance of prototyping and how it can bring your business to the next level. We create prototype parts and molds, using a variety of materials. Using finalized CAD geometry, we can machine “soft tooling”, which is typically made from REN shape, urethane, or aluminum. Prototyping allows the production of sample products to test for fit, form, and function.
The prototyping process involves the following services:
- Development of CNC machined prototype molds out of common, easily-machined materials
- Forming of sample parts from proto-molds
- Hand-trimmed, routed, or die cut sample parts
Production of sample products to test for fit, form, and function.